Did you know that auto accidents are the most common cause of personal injury? According to the NHTSA, in 2020, more than 1.5 million auto accidents resulted in personal injury. If you are one of the many people who are injured in an auto accident every year, you need a qualified personal injury lawyer in Knoxville to assist you in securing compensation for your injuries.

What Sort of Injuries Are Common in Auto Accidents?

Auto accidents can result in an array of different injuries, ranging from minor cuts and bruises to broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, and catastrophic spinal injuries. The extent of your injuries will determine how much compensation your personal injury lawyer in Knoxville can pursue on your behalf. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the most common injuries caused as a result of auto accidents.

Category of Injuries

While a broad spectrum of injuries can occur, most can be divided into two distinct categories.

  • Impact Injuries - Impact injuries happen when an individual strikes part of the vehicle or is thrown clear and strikes the ground or some other object. For example, if you were the driver of the vehicle and your head hit the windshield, resulting in a brain injury.
  • Penetrating Injuries - A penetrating injury happens when a loose piece of debris causes injury. For example, if a window breaks and the pieces of glass cause lacerations.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the specific injuries that might lead to you working with a personal injury lawyer in Knoxville following an auto accident.

Head & Back Injuries

Some of the most challenging injuries to recover from when you have been in an auto accident are those involving the head and back. These injuries can often come with severe complications and may result in permanent disability. That is why it is important to work with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Knoxville to secure the compensation you deserve.

  • Traumatic Brain Injury - Traumatic Brain Injury, commonly known as TBI, happens when the brain is jolted inside the skull and sustains damage. It is common for this to occur in auto accidents when the neck snaps forward on impact or when the individual hits their head on a window or the dash. While some TBIs can be fairly minor and will heal, others can have lasting effects requiring ongoing treatment. A personal injury lawyer in Knoxville can help you to pursue compensation to help cover ongoing medical expenses.
  • Concussions - Concussions can actually fall under the umbrella of TBIs, but they are one of the milder brain injuries. However, concussion still requires medical attention and treatment, and it can last for extended periods of time.
  • Spinal Cord Injury - A spinal cord injury will need immediate medical attention as it can have a devastating impact on your life. A Complete spinal cord injury means there is no feeling below the point of injury, whereas an incomplete injury does have some degree of feeling. It is important to note that with a spinal cord injury, paralysis doesn’t always happen immediately, so you must consult a doctor and inform them of the injury as a precaution.
  • Facial Injuries - Auto accidents can also cause a variety of facial injuries that range in severity from bruising, cuts, broken bones, and eye damage. Some of these injuries can result in permanent scarring or even blindness.

Neck & Chest Injuries

It is also very common for injuries to the neck and chest area to occur during auto accidents. Again, these can range in severity, but the momentum of being thrown forward can result in significant trauma and lasting damage. Your personal injury lawyer in Knoxville can help you to pursue compensation that is in line with the level of your injury.

  • Broken and/or Bruised Ribs -Ribs are commonly injured in an auto accident, but it is not always immediately apparent if they are just bruised or actually broken. Broken ribs will often heal on their own, but there is always a risk of lungs or other organs being pierced by the sharp, damaged part of the bone, so medical attention is important to gauge the severity of the injuries.
  • Whiplash - When there is a significant impact during an auto accident, it is common for the passenger’s neck to snap back or forward. This puts considerable strain on the muscles in the neck. Recovery can last anywhere between a few weeks and a few months. It is common to suffer whiplash from the deployment of the airbag.
  • Heart Attack - A heart attack may not be something that you immediately associate with an auto accident, but it happens much more often than you might think. This is because the stress of the accident can trigger a heart attack.

These are just some of the injuries sustained in auto accidents that could lead you to seek out a personal injury lawyer in Knoxville. There are other physical and mental injuries that you may experience, including broken bones, soft tissue injuries, and PTSD. The important thing is to get your injuries checked out by a doctor as soon as possible so that they are appropriately documented in case you wish to pursue a personal injury lawsuit.


Butler, Vines and Babb is a leading law firm in Knoxville, TN, with extensive litigation experience in Medical Malpractice Law, Birth Injury LawTrucking Accident LawPersonal Injury Law, and Business Law. Contact us today at www.bvblaw.com or call 865-637-3531.

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